Changing the world through Mixed Ability: A systems approach

The Mixed Ability model

Sport and physical activity have the power to transform lives making us HEALTHIER AND HAPPIER. But many people still face barriers to participating in sport because of stigma, prejudice, or personal perceptions of their capability. IMAS exists to change this through the MIXED ABILITY model!

The Mixed Ability model brings together SPORT, EDUCATION and ADVOCACY, recognising the right of everyone to participate in community sport, as equal members, without being separated, classified, or identified. Mixed Ability sport sees disabled and non-disabled participants playing together in the same mainstream environment. This is different from disability-specific or ‘special’ sports provision because it emphasises:

• Safe, welcoming, non-judgemental and accessible environments

• Regular, frequent, and sustained provision

• Same rules and regulations

• Opportunities for social interaction

• Equal membership

• Promotion of self-determination

Education is a fundamental component of the Mixed Ability model. IMAS educators with lived experience of disability co-produce and co-deliver MIXED ABILITY TRAINING and resources, sharing their learning and experiences with sports coaches, clubs, and National Governing Bodies, as well as a variety of other settings. These include EDUCATION, HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE and COMMUNITY GROUPS AND CORPORATE. In this way, relevant voices are heard, realistic role models are present, and those who have the experience of overcoming exclusion can directly influence positive change. These contexts all connect to create positive impacts at a system level.
