Course Overview
Meaningful Physical Education has become a great framework for practitioners and leaders of our subject to use to consider whether their offer is meeting the needs of all learners. Tim Fletcher, Déirdre Ní Chróinín, Douglas Gleddie and Stephanie Beni have been real pioneers in developing ideas but also working closely with practitioners to test and adjust thinking. They have a great website (LAMPE – Learning About Meaningful Physical Education) and their Routledge book publication in 2021 has also been well received within the profession.
This course is free to PE Scholar members and is intended to provide a clear overview of Meaningful PE (MPE) whilst also signposting to valuable additional blogs, podcasts and resources that could help you dig a little deeper. It should take no more than an hour to complete and is separated into 5 short chapters as follows:
- Introduction
- Insight
- Research
- Practice
- Summary and Feedback
Course Content