Course Overview
This course will provide a great overview and support to ensure you maximise student outcomes in the non-examined assessment (NEA) element of the OCR GCSE PE course that includes practical performance and AEP coursework.
The course has been written by Will Swaithes, an experienced teacher, leader, examiner and moderator who will share ideas to help you secure the best outcomes for your students in the coursework (practical) element. Will also wrote the very popular student textbook and will feature ideas from that book and digital resource pack on this course.
The course includes:
- Key considerations for practical lesson programming
- In-depth understanding of the grading criteria
- Ideas for supporting students to choose their top three activities and generating evidence of performance
- Preparing for a successful moderation process
- Maximising student achievement on the Analysing and Evaluation Performance (AEP) written coursework
- Top tips for marking, standardisation and signposting to useful resources and additional ideas
Once enrolled you can complete the course in bite-sized chunks or all in one go with anytime anywhere access via our website.
You will be able to see the ideas and contributions of other participants via discussion threads along the way. You will also be invited to join the next live 60 minute Zoom meeting that will bring together others who have recently completed the online materials to collaborate, reflect on learning and ask questions of the course instructor. Our intention is to run one of these each term. We will share the next available date and time with you once booked on the course.

Will Swaithes
Will Swaithes is an experienced teacher, teacher educator and leader of teaching and learning. With over 20 years’ experience in education, he is currently a Senior Lecturer in Physical Education at Birmingham City University leading the secondary PGCE programme whilst also contributing to Initial Teacher Education at several other institutions including Loughborough and Buckingham universities. Will is Education Director at PE Scholar, a Specialist Leader of Education (SLE) for Redhill Academy, previous Head of Physical Education and Achievement for Youth Sport Trust (YST), previous Assistant Head for Teaching and Learning and author of an OCR GCSE PE textbook. He achieved Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) status in 2006 and also holds a Masters in Educational Leadership. Will has a reputation for high-quality consultancy services, mentoring support and training with an ambition to ensure PE stands for Positive Experiences for all children in all schools.
Course Content