Physical Literacy – an all-Wales approach to increasing levels of physical activity for children and young people

The Schools and Physical Activity Task and Finish Group was convened by the Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage (whose responsibilities included Sport), and the Minister for Education and Skills, to provide recommendations to the Welsh Government on how to develop the roles of schools in increasing the levels of physical activity in children and young people.

It was announced by the Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage on 19th June 2012 as part of a Statement in Assembly Plenary on Active Children and Young People.

The main purpose of the Task and Finish Group was to operationalize the Programme of Government commitment ‘to make physical literacy as important a development skill as reading and writing.’

This paper outlines the recommendations from the Schools and Physical Activity Task and Finish Group looking at how to develop the roles of schools in increasing the levels of physical activity in children and young people.


Schools and Physical Activity Task and Finish Group recommendations for developing the roles of schools in increasing physical activity in adolescents.