Primary PE Concept Curriculum (for EYFS/KS1/KS2)


A complete Physical Education Concept Curriculum for EYFS, Key Stage 1 & 2 that explores big ideas and cross-cutting themes through physical education; a contemporary approach to curriculum design.

This fully-editable package contains 21 carefully constructed complete units of work for ages 4-11 with immersive stories and suggested activities.

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Time for change

PE has an opportunity like never before to re-examine how we get every child off to the best possible start and lay the foundations for a physically active life.

For far too long students (and others) have been put off physical activity because of sport-driven, technique focused and performance obsessed PE lessons. It’s time to change! PE is in a unique position in that it can directly influence the health and well-being of an individual for the rest of their lives. We can deliver relevant, immersive and meaningful learning that will better prepare them for life and promote positive attitudes towards physical activity.

What is a concept curriculum?

A concept is a powerful idea that can add an inclusive hook to the competency focused objectives and therefore enable all to succeed in their own way. Students can develop intra and inter-personal skills, gain a better understanding of their body and minds as well as explore the world around them, all through concept-driven learning and engaging physical activity. The sport, physical activity or immersive story (Story used EYFS & Key Stage 1 resources only) become the vehicle for which the concept is delivered and no longer the final destination. Delivered alongside engaging and meaningful physical activities, a concept curriculum can better enable an inclusive environment to ensure that PE also stands for Positive Experiences.

Whilst developing vital fundamental movement skills (physical domain), we have the opportunity in PE to explore powerful learning through the cognitive and affective domains.

The Concept Curriculum utilises 3 learning objectives: Know, Show and Grow. The first 2 learning objectives of Know and Show are focused on students being able to demonstrate the declarative (what) and procedural (how) knowledge as outlined by the Ofsted Research Review (2022). In our experience, these two learning objectives alone can fail to motivate some students and the performance focused objectives can actually de-motivate them.

In every PE lesson, we should be aiming to provide the ABC (and D) of Primary PE:

  • Active for sustained periods of time
  • Build positive relationship with PE/PA & Sport
  • Competence – able to move well and confident doing so

We believe that through the Concept Curriculum we can add a D to the ABC:

  • Develop character, knowledge and understanding through physical activity

A ‘developing character’ aim harnesses the full learning power of sport and physical activity and forms the third learning objective: Grow.

By introducing a concept-driven learning objective, we are offering an inclusive hook to students that might previously have felt alienated by a less relevant or unachievable lesson objectives focused solely on acquiring or replicating a sporting skill or technique. PE is not just sport and sport is not just skills, techniques, rules and competition. It is important to note that conceptual learning does not replace the physical or competency development of a PE lesson.

Why adopt a concepts approach?

A conceptual approach offers an alternative to the traditional sport and skills-based approach to physical education curriculum design and delivery. The sport and physical activity becomes the vehicle through which the concept is delivered and developed.

By shifting the focus of the curriculum and success criteria of each lesson, we are doing so much more than getting students active, we are teaching relevant life skills, developing stronger connections to physical activity and improving the experiences within PE for every child.

Physical Education Concept Curriculum

The Primary Concept Curriculum resources have full lesson plans with an immersive story (for EYFS and Keys Stage 1 lessons only) and/or engaging suggested activities aimed at developing fundamental movement skills.

We really hope these resources support you in transforming your curriculum offer and ultimately making a bigger difference to more children and young people’s lives.

Primary Concept Curriculum Resources Overview

Each of the following resources are sold separately, but can be purchased in a single discounted bundle:

  • EYFS (ages 4-5): 3 x complete units of work with immersive stories and suggested activities
  • Key Stage 1 (ages 5-7): 3 x Year 1 (ages 5-6) + 3 x Year 2 (ages 6-7) complete units of work with immersive stories and suggested activities
  • Key Stage 2 (ages 7-11): 6 x Years 3 & 4 (ages 7-9) and 6 x Years 5 & 6 (ages 9-11) complete units of work

Each resource contains the following:

  • Curriculum Map
  • Year Curriculum Road Map
  • Individual units of work
  • Complete individual lesson plans with suggested activities
  • Templates to create your own Concept Curriculum Unit

Please note: Additional discounts are available if multiple licenses are purchased as part of a single order.  Please contact our team if you have any questions about this product.

Sample Content & Product Overview

For a detailed overview of what’s in the Primary PE Concept Curriculum packages, please see the following links, or view the product launch event post for a deep dive into the product:


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