This hockey set play video outlines a range of set plays that can help players visualise attacks and counter attacks in play.
This practice is perfect for refining stick control.
Groups of players are organised in 2 teams as illustrated. Red players attempt a simple ‘straight strike’ corner routine against blue players. The strike is saved by blue 1. Blue 5 clears the ball away from the rebound to blue 9 who has taken-up a wide position. When the ball is cleared, blue players have an overload on the fast break. The ball is progressed down the pitch where blues attempt to score. For a score or loss of possession, the activity restarts with the other side (blues in this case) performing the corner routine. The team with the highest number of goals scored on the break wins. The activity continues for a set time, number of repetitions or goals scored.
Defenders look quickly for a ball wide to player near touchline; gain close control in goalmouth; head up to ensure good vision; players coming back to receive must communicate with team-mates; good first touch near touchline; quick decisive passing to take advantage of overload; at least one attacker should attempt to get as far up the pitch, behind defenders as possible.
Hockey Set Play Adaptation:
To decrease difficulty: Increase number of attackers; decrease number of defenders; introduce spare players (‘jokers’) to the team in possession; increase size of goal To increase difficulty: Decrease number of attackers; increase number of defenders; introduce spare players (‘jokers’) to the team not in possession; decrease size of goal; include goalkeeper; introduce time limit.