A-level led PE taster session project
Students will create and deliver a 20-minute taster presentation on a specific A Level PE topic to existing GCSE PE students. Their presentations can only… -
Teaching physical education – PEdagogy Techniques: Modelling
Applying effective teaching techniques to Physical Education (PE) This series of PE pedagogy techniques follows our previous series on key PEdagogical Models. Throughout this current… -
Public Health England – Student Mental Wellbeing Resources
Access a new suite of mental wellbeing lesson plans for primary and secondary school pupils Public Health England has produced a range of free lesson… -
OCR GCSE PE Components of Fitness Posters
These 10 components of fitness posters have been created to clearly illustrate the definition, a sporting example, and ways to train and test the major… -
A Level Energy Systems Worksheet
This Energy Systems Worksheet supports the teaching of energy systems at A Level. The specific Learning Objectives are: Learning objectives -
Sport Education for Exam PE
Perhaps, like me, you have enjoyed using the Sport Education Model to liven up your Key Stage 4 invasion games units and have even started… -
Sport Education Athletics
It has always frustrated me how athletics looks in so many schools – a complex schedule of rotating different classes around the various events with… -
Student Voice Survey
We know that the best physical education programmes are co-constructed with input from students to help ensure provision is best matched to individual attitudes, motivations… -
Wellbeing Poster
Want to initiate more conversations between all staff, their students and wellbeing? This poster has worked really well alongside the ‘this month I am reading… -
Badminton Skills: Student Worksheets
Badminton Skills – Resource Overview These Badminton Skills Worksheets provides 5 student tasks for each skill. The tasks include peer coaching, a skills practice, student… -
PE Concept Curriculum Quick Lesson Plan Template
What is a Concept Curriculum? The PE Concept curriculum (CC) is an approach to curriculum design that incorporates “big ideas” that span multiple subject areas or disciplines. A… -
Basketball Skills: Student Worksheets
Resource Overview These Basketball Skills Worksheets provides 5 student tasks for each skill. The tasks include peer coaching, a skills practice, student designed game, discussion…