Badminton England has a range of fantastic resources to support the delivery of badminton in both primary and secondary schools. This article aims to outline the resources available for KS1, Ks2, KS3 and KS4. For more information and to download the resources please visit the resource pages at the bottom of the page.
Primary School Resources
The Racket Pack is ideal for primary school aged pupils and teachers. The Racket Pack has a total of 6 modules (2 for KS1 and 4 for KS2) that are designed to help promote foundational and badminton specific skills.
Key Stage 1

The Key Stage 1 Badminton England Racket Pack Resource provides a range of modern Badminton challenges ideally suited to Key Stage 1 Pupils (aged 5-7). The lesson content for module 1/2 covers the following lesson content.
Modules 1 and 2
- Lesson 1 – Grip
- Lesson 2 – Movement
- Lesson 3 – Backhand Serve
- Lesson 4 – Underarm
- Lesson 5 – Overhead
- Lesson 6 – Team Work Festival
Key Stage 2

The Key Stage 2 Badminton England Racket Pack Resource provides a range of modern Badminton challenges ideally suited to Key Stage 2 Pupils (aged 7-11).
Year 3/4 Modules 1 and 2
These modules will focus on the fundamentals of badminton, building upon existing knowledge as well as introducing players to new skills needed to play. The first module will enable the delivery of 6 fun and progressive badminton sessions, providing the appropriate information to introduce and develop racket skills. These skills will be built in module 2. All lessons provide examples of how to both increase and decrease the challenge of the activity to support differentiation across the class ensuring all pupils are engaged and enjoying the session.
- Lesson 1 – Grip
- Lesson 2 – Movement
- Lesson 3 – Serving
- Lesson 4 – Underarm
- Lesson 5 – Overhead
- Lesson 6 – Team Work Festival
Year 5/6 Modules 1 and 2
These modules will focus on building upon existing knowledge of the fundamentals as well as introducing players to key shots to enable more tactical play.
- Lesson 1 – Movement
- Lesson 2 – Serving
- Lesson 3 – Net Shots
- Lesson 4 – Overhead Clear
- Lesson 5 – Overhead Dropshot
- Lesson 6 – Team Work Festival
Secondary School Resources
The Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Badminton England Smash Up Resource provides a range of modern Badminton challenges ideally suited to Key Stage 3 Pupils (aged 11-14) and Key Stage 4 Pupils (aged 14-16) . The Smash Up resource contains 25 pages of content per key stage that covers most types of shot and provides some tactical problems for pupils to solve.
Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Lesson Content

The resource is structured over 12 lessons per key stage which provides teachers with a ready made lesson resource for each session. It can also be used within extra curricular clubs and as a resource for peer and self assessment. The resource lesson content includes:
- Lesson 1 – Forehand High Serve and Backhand Low Serve
- Lesson 2 – Forehand Net Shot
- Lesson 3 – Forehand Underarm Lift
- Lesson 4 – Forehand Overhead Clear
- Lesson 5 – Forehand Overhead Drop
- Lesson 6 – Forehand Overhead Smash
- Lesson 7 – Forehand and Backhand Drive
- Lesson 8 – Backhand Net Shot
- Lesson 9 – Backhand Underarm Lift
- Lesson 10 – Backhand Overhead Clear
- Lesson 11 – Backhand Overhead Drop
- Lesson 12 – Tactical Matches
Each lesson is structured into three parts including: an introduction to the skill, skill development and then a conditioned game. An example of the lesson structure from the KS4 lesson 11 module – Backhand Overhead Drop is provided below:

SKILL (15 minutes) – Introduce the key technical points of the Backhand Overhead Clear to the group
- In pairs, one player starts the rally with a high serve
- Their partner returns the serve with a backhand dropshot
- The server keeps the rally going by playing a high lift for their partner to again perform a backhand overhead dropshot, and so on
- The diagram illustrates how this practice can work safely and efficiently with four pupils on a court
- In fours, players rally
- Any player who receives a high lift to their backhand side should play a backhand overhead dropshot
- One doubles pair can only play straight drop shots, whilst the other doubles pair can only play cross- court dropshots
- Encourage players to anticipate the dropshot being played by their opposition
- After five rallies, doubles pairs change the direction of their dropshots
GAME (10 minutes)
- Play a game of doubles where one doubles pair is only allowed to lift the shuttle high and the other pair is only allowed to play dropshots
- After five points have been played, pairs change roles
Key Stage Specific Resources
To find out more and view the key stage specific resources please visit the corresponding links below:
Beki Boyle