Physical Literacy Conference 2021: Cultural Connection Around the World


IPLA Conference 2021 – Physical literacy: Cultural Connection Around the World

The International Physical Literacy Association is hosting six online conferences across the world. The event will take place on Saturday 23rd October 2021 midday until 4pm for all time zones except Australasia which will take place on Friday 22nd October midday until 4pm.

The conference will be hosted by physical literacy advocates within each time zone and will follow a format that will include world-leading keynote speakers, invited presentations, delegate presentation sessions (research and practical) and opportunities for discussion and networking.

Watch the Physical literacy Conference 2021 Introduction Below:

Who should attend?

Anyone with an interest in encouraging more people to be more active. This conference may be especially relevant to practitioners, teachers, coaches, researchers, health workers and environmental planners interested in physical literacy. The intention is to be as inclusive as possible, which is why the conference is FREE to members of the IPLA (Cost £20).

Why participate?

  1. The conference provides an opportunity to network and interact with the world’s physical literacy community. Opportunities for break out sessions, panel discussions and general discussions will allow delegates to interact with each other within each conference.
  2. You will be able to share and learn from your own and others experiences, along with research related to physical literacy.

How to Register for the Physical Literacy Conference 2021

Please note, this event has now closed and session recordings are available on the IPLA website for IPLA members.

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