When taught well, athletics is an engaging, exciting and essential part of every physical education programme. However, there are considerable extra health and safety concerns that you need to get right and careful thought must be given to ensure it is more than just an annual taster of a handful of different disciplines/ events on a weekly carrousel. There are lots of great ideas out there for a more innovative offer and, as shared at the end of this recording, I am certainly a big fan of utilising a Sport Education Season as a great pedagogical approach to making athletics more meaningful.
In our PE Scholar webinar on Tuesday 25th April 2022 (recording available below), Dan Hutchinson kindly spent an hour sharing some top tips for those new to teaching athletics with a focus on throwing and jumping.
Watch the video below for insight into how to get many of the basics right in terms of safety and technique along with a range of hints, tips and ideas to help increase your confidence around curriculum delivery. Remember, the best time and place to practice is extra-curricular and it is essential to follow afPE Safe Practice alongside your school risk assessments at all times.
Dan kindly signposted to a number of helpful videos in his slide deck and a word document full of links so here they are along with two additional pages you must check out:
- Top Tips for Teaching Athletics with Dan Hutchinson
- How to Teach Athletics – An Interactive Guide
- England Athletics Run Jump Throw resources
- English Schools’ Athletics Association Award Scheme and more
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